June 2016 Board Minutes

Wednesday, 6/15/2016 7:00 – 9:00 PM,

Mission Trails Regional Park Visitor’s Center Library

One Father Junipero Serra Trail San Diego, CA 92119

For information contact: info@SDMBA.com or

Kevin Loomis President



Introductions/Roll Call

Susie Murphy – Executive Director

Board Members Present:

Kevin Loomis – President

Ben Stone – Vice President

Skii Fleeton-Essenfeld

Jose Galaz

Jeff Tanzola

Jason Showalter

Robert Hubbard

Minette Ozaki

Mike Jennings

Guests Present:

MCAS Miramar – Base Commander Colonel Woodworth

Kristen Camper


Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items (2 mins. limit per individual; must fill out comment card prior to call to order) Opportunity for members of the public to speak to the Board on any subject matter not on tonight’s agenda


Call to Order

Meeting begins at 7:03 PM



From MCAS Miramar – Base Commander Colonel Woodworth, Kristen



Stowe Trail – MCAS update and logistics with Base Commander Colonel Woodworth – also listed below

Consent Agenda

Meeting Minutes. Approval of 5/18/2016 minutes – Kevin Loomis
Motion to approve from Mike Jennings
no discussion
Ben Stone seconds
approved unanimously

FEB. MARCH, APRIL & MAY Financial Reports
This has been on the consent agenda for some time. We have not approved financial reports since February.
Minette makes a motion to approve, Mike Jennings seconds.
Unanimously approved.
A summary of the financial report should be filed with the minutes in order to be viewed.

Old Business

Strategic Plan –Susie (1 hour starting at 6pm)
Strategic Plan – next steps. The next official meeting regarding these is to be done in an hour before the next board meeting.
Susie will send everyone a link to the Google Doc and would like to be emailed feedback about it.
5 goals have been established and goals need to be more concise, focus on wording of objectives. We will need to flesh out each of the initiatives.
The consensus is that an hour before the next board meeting is a good time to go over these goals and objectives that have been established.
Through email and online, we should also be able to work through this much more in the next month.
Goal for the next meeting is to have objectives finished and start on initiatives.
Ideas to work on: can take the document that Susie provides with the outline, copy it and start listing initiatives.
Meeting with Lenore in August instead of July? That way she can take a look at the objectives and evaluate them to make sure that we have hit all the objectives.
Susie – If you can think of additional projects and programs that we need, please feel free to add them
Minette – should we do an online meeting?
Susie says that Robert and she can set up a meeting via a Google chat or something similar a week or two from now. It would not be a bad idea to try something different.

Major Donor Event – update/Date – Susie (5 mins)
No comments on this item were raised, continuance on this item

Crow’s Nest – Minette (5 mins)
Minette – news from Steve is that a settlement has not been agreed to
Ben has been talking with Chris Powell (attorney) who reviewed MOU in place. There is not a lot of exposure there. But Chris agreed that we should make a separate MOU from GCI regarding the bike park and in regard to stewardship there.
Are there examples available of maintenance agreements for groups like ours? Minette asks Jay if he can share an example of a maintenance agreement in use by other bike parks.
Minette spoke with manager of VC Parks and Rec to create a separate committee for maintenance.
Minette with help to draft a maintenance program.
The current MOU that has been approved lists maintenance under “Valley Center Bike Park Committee”.
We can help to organize and advertise for volunteers for this subcommittee.  
Another 2 days worth of donated equipment is available, including a tractor. Minette will let Steve know this.
Ben will forward to Minette what Chris has sent back to him.
June 25th-26th for working days, just need approval from Parks and Rec with a reworked MOU. This is a Saturday and Sunday that we have put placeholders on. SDSU volunteers were also looking for some volunteer days.

SDMBA MTB Ranger Bike Training – update (Minette)
No info to report from Jason Liebrecht

Requests for Continuance on any current Agenda items


Discussion Agenda (Indicate action items)

Item 1.     Stowe Trail – MCAS update and logistics with Base Commander Colonel Woodworth – 1 hour


Item 2.    State Park June 22nd CCR Meeting – logistics and suggestions – Kevin (5 mins)

Meeting on the 22nd, and the address is over at the county building.
Same night as the Members Only party
We would like to grab the attention of state parks
Ben and Kevin will be there to meet with Laurel and Alex to do a debrief
For people to voice public concerns, there needs to be a written statement. Kevin wants these to be publicly broadcast.
Kevin has an idea to create a form that people can fill out that will be handed to Alex so that people can fill out these forms in organized protest. We would like for her to see us as a partner.
State Parks would like to partner with us.
Kevin will draft up a response on concerns that we have, a list that can be checked and fill in to satisfy requirements so that many individuals will be able to speak.
Concerns with the use of terminology and language in previous statements from state parks: “Cultural and natural preserves and reserves” have not been defined and the language could be manipulated to close out bikes from state parks in areas such as Cuyamaca. No input from land managers, as well. There is nothing in the language that could be interpreted clearly.
Jay – we need to be careful about how we approach this as an organization.
Kevin will send questions he has been concerned about for comments from the board. A draft will come on official SDMBA letterhead and everything must be very precise. This will be sent out in the next day or so.
People can submit comments without speaking, but cannot speak at the meeting without submitting a comment
We are on a short timeline for this.

Item 3.    Arch Ride Proceeds for Donations to Elfin Forest/TECC, CNLM for La Costa, San Dieguito MTB Patrol, PQ restricted donation- Action Item – (Minette) 5 mins

Donations are made after arch ride
$2000 total
Numbers: The Escondido Creek Conservancy $750 – Nick Buck (Liaison for Elfin Forest/trail projects
$500: CNLM for La Costa, Minette speaking with Marcus Spiegelberg as to where donation would be spent.
$500 via David Heckle – for SDRP MTB patrol
$250 to repair switchbacks in PQ/Del Mar Mesa
Mike Jennings makes a motion to approve amount, Kevin Loomis seconds.
Unanimously approved amount of $2000 total

Item 4.      World Summit Registration/Attendees (Susie) 5 mins.

Robert decided that he wants to go. He is going to drive.
Ben – plan was to do 2 rooms, 4 flights, budget would be split between the 4: Jose, Kevin, Ben, Jeff.
Robert would need lodging and registration cost. He will be coming in and doing event, and then leaving to parents’ house.
With 5 flights, we are looking at very close to our budget of $3000 so we would be out of pocket for most of the hotel.
At 2 people per room about $180 per night, each person
would end up paying about $180
There are not many great houses. Staying at the convention gives us more opportunity to network as well. We can raise the amount to budget for this.
Hotel room logistics – 1 more hotel room? It is good for all 5 of these people to go.
Action: We need to get flights and rooms ASAP, so we need to buy registration and rooms now. We need to reserve the rooms now, Ben will put deposit down on his card.
Susie’s idea regarding registration – she will get hers for free and we will get one other registration for free. (membership increase award from Q4)
If everyone else can fill out their own registration, pay for it and submit to Scott.
Ben will lock in the rooms and we will keep an eye on flights
Flights come in to be around $550
Continuance on this item.
FYI, Scott is on vacation so reimbursements may not come quickly
Must be logged into IMBA to get member discount!!!
SDMBA is presenting at the World Summit

Item 5. Bike the Bay Beer Garden 8/28 staffing (Susie) 5 mins

SDCBC will give us $500 and great exposure!

Item 6.    Grant updates: REI 2015/2016, REI 16-17, NEEF, SDF, Patagonia -update: (Susie) 5 mins

$15,000 from REI – is not in May financial report
Susie has talked with Matt and Ranger Ed about Black mtn projects Researching storage containers to get to be parked at Sundevil Way.
Hopefully Black Widow will be approved by trail building season.
Patagonia grant – approximately $800 for Bike to Work Week.
SD Foundation Grant – We are in the second round with Eric from Canyonlands, Susie was very encouraged by the interview and panel. We get $5000 at the end if we win the grant with Canyonlands for partnership project at Oak/Chollas Area.
Item 7.    Action Item:  Additional Bike work stations Black Mountain/Daley Ranch; 2014-15 REI Grant.  Susie (5 mins)

Black Mountain and Daley Ranch have both requested work stations.
Where would the money come from? $3026 for 2 of them
Money in 2014/15 REI grant – has funds left in it
The one at Lake Hodges and at PQ are so popular, we need more of them.
ACTION: Ben makes a motion to use funds from from 14/15 REI grant to purchase additional bike work stations. Robert seconds.
Unanimously approved.

Item 8.    Fundraising updates (Susie) 3 mins.

Spring Fundraiser has brought in about $1000 but did not get to do enough follow up
Needs to be boosted on social media. Susie will boost these on social media.

Item 9.         Tour De Fat/Kids Activities (Skii) 5 mins.

Everyone thinks that this is good idea
At the office of Bicycle Coalition today, Skii received a $250 invoice for the previous bike valet from Arch Ride.
Kids events – climbing wall, face painting, something interesting for kids at the Tour de Fat. Something to keep the kids occupied. Possibly a little track to ride. Liability would be done through Tour de Fat. There are things to work out with the city regarding this.
Skii will go to this meeting with Alison and Jaon Liebrecht and Andy Hanshaw of SDCBC- figure out waivers and what is possible.

Item 10.      Discussion on possible Fall Event at Laguna (Minette/Robert)

Take this action item off, removed. Possible in future.

Item 11.      Action Item: Purchase 20 more Timber Bells $200  (Susie)

Ben makes a motion, Jay seconds.
Unanimously approved.
Item 12.    US Forest Service Meeting June 24th – ride with ranger and planning of Cleveland Forest (Kevin, Ben, Susie) – 5 min

Meeting with a new ranger at 1 in the afternoon. Just a ride meeting that we are introducing ourselves to her – Friday at 1 PM.
July – meeting with US forest service. Ben will follow up.

Item 13.       Women and Bikes idea (Skii) – 5 mins.

Skii is creating a Facebook/website page for “Women and Bikes” and will follow up with any ladies who are interested in joining it and adding resources.

Updates – (Non Discussion Items)                         

Item 1.      McCain Valley/Chaparral Land Conservancy (Ben) 5 mins

Nothing to add now

Item 2.      Development update Del Mar Mesa Position (Ben ) 5 mins


Items for next meeting Agenda

Item 1. Strategic Plan, for next meeting

Item 2. Major donor event

Item 3. World Summit Registration/Attendees


Board member communications

    Item 1.      ED updates and upcoming events

Minette – upcoming event, La Paloma on the 29th of June
Video premiere with NotBad and NotBad2. We will help to advertise it.
Susie – Cycloquest demo with Ellsworth and Devinci this Satruday PQ.
June 24th, Friday – Police and fireman olympics. Mountain bike race at Black Mountain – 30 people and 2 volunteers have come up through signup genius

Item 2. CRM Tool

CRM tool that Robert and susie are looking at Member Leap  – they have used a demo and it looks great
Robert will send Kevin the proposal for what financials look like and wants to show people the demo of it
Will take our website and outfit it with a CRM tool to make our website much more easy to navigate
We can put committees in there, save documents there, post initiatives there.
When a person leaves, everything would still be there and available to use. Marketing campaigns would be there, liaison communication would be so much easier, press releases could come out of there
Rough numbers, startup $3000-3500 and $170 a month for update
About $5000 the first year and $2000 a year for maintenance. This is something we would control

    Item 3. Indian Reservation Bike Park Developments (Mike)

Mike Jennings – contact with Team Big Bear (Spiegel). Kirk Riley in talks with Gravity Logic
Setting up a meeting with the owners of Big Bear to get in talks for the bike park at the indian reservation

    Item 4.      Board shirts $12 each for embroidery

Need to pay Susie $12 for each embroidery on board shirts.     Thanks to Zoic for the shirts!


Meeting adjourned at 9:04 PM


Next Meeting:          July 20 , 2016


Meeting Minutes Recorded by:

Siobhan Baloochi, SDMBA Secretary